disable Brute force from backend

The brute force protection on cPanel-powerd web host is provided by cPHulk, which prevents malicious forces from trying to access the server’s services by guessing the login password for that service. When an account on the system has experienced too many failed login attempts, the particular account will automatically been “protected” by forbidding further login attempts, including all-important root account

If you have root access and the whm is blcoked due to brute force, then try the following.

1. Type mysql at console to access MySQL client.
2. At MySQL client prompt, enter the following commands (preceding with mysql>)one after one, pressing Enter each time:

mysql> use cphulkd;

Expected result: Database changed.

mysql> BACKUP TABLE `brutes` TO ‘/path/to/backup/directory’;
mysql> BACKUP TABLE `logins` TO ‘/path/to/backup/directory’;

Above command will backup the brutes table, the main table used by cPHulk to record locked accounts and denied IP addresses.

mysql> DELETE FROM `brutes`;
mysql> DELETE FROM `logins`;

Above commands will remove all blocked IP addresses and locked accounts from the system, enabling full access again. If you’re familiar with SQL statements, it’s possible to use WHERE clause to specify logins or IP address that you want to remove only.

mysql> quit;